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Hand foot and mouth

My little family has been plagued by this Hand Foot and Mouth Disease over the past month. Has anyone else suffered this horror show? It's a viral disease that is highly contagious and leads to blisters in your mouth, feet, hands and potentially other areas as I found out. First my ex husband's step daughter gets it from pre-school. He warns me that our daughter could catch it, but adults rarely get it (HAH). I even read it's something like 1 in 10 adults. I did some research on the signs and symptoms and when transmission usually occurs (during the beginning and prior to the fever is when one is most contagious, so basically before anyone even knows your sick). So my daughter doesn't get sick until a week later when she gets a fever which lasts about 24 hours. Then complains of a terrible sore throat.I bring her in to Urgent Care to rule out strep as her throat is all red. No strep, all viral, but they don't know it's hand foot and mouth yet. No one really does until the red spots and blisters form. From this point on she was relatively fine, sore throat only here and there which we kept at bay with OTC pain relievers. A couple days of this and then she had maybe a handful of blisters, like 5 or so. Very mild, it didn't bother her at all. Great, I'm thinking we made out golden here. Exactly One week from when she got sick I got a fever and sore throat. Certain drinks and foods stung so I just avoided those things, I used salt gargles, ate soup and ice cream. Wasn't terrible, but I had to stay home from work the day I had the fever and I just slept, I was so tired and my muscles were a bit achy like before a bad cold. On day 3 I wasn't feel that bad, even went to the beach after work, but that's when I started seeing the red spots on my hands and feet. By the next evening I had so many red spots and blisters on my hands and feet it hurt to walk or touch anything.
By Friday I could barely stand and it felt like pins and needles followed by intense itching. This lasted until Saturday night and it was terrible. On the list of top most uncomfortable things I have ever endured. I was internet searching for anything that would provide relief. And the spots and blisters just kept coming, I had them up my legs and on my thighs, on my knees and elbows and a few spots on my face. I was reading all kinds of horror stories from other adults who weren't supposed to catch this children's disease and the symptoms were also unbearable. Calamine lotion helped momentarily, cold compresses, tylenol, advil and benedryl, aveeno moisturizing lotion with oatmeal, and coconut oil lotion. You will need all this lotion once you start healing too as I found out once all the blisters do dry up you still have all that dead skin to deal with. I read one woman's story about how she soaked her hands and feet in plain greek yogurt and it helped. Well I didn't have any of that and I wasn't going to the store in my state so I tried milk and although it provided relief during the soak, it didn't do much else. Now two weeks later from the onstart of my symptoms, my boyfriend now has the fever and sore throat. Yikes!!! Anyone else have this and how did you treat the symptoms?


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