It's been a long time since I last wrote, luckily I have very few readers to apologize to ;) So what's new... well the garden is looking great, I just discovered that butternut squash produce very beautiful large yellow flowers. The ducks are just about full size now and that is just in time for the start of my new hobby of furniture restoration. A friend introduced me the the most inspiring site for this; This site showcases furniture, decorations, and rooms that have all been redone and brought back to life. Why do I love this so much? Because it's green, it's cost effective and it's domestically savy! *Photos to come of my "better after" items. My two cents about furniture restoration; Sprucing up something you already own, free furniture, cheap furniture from a yard sale is a great way to recycle and also keep you from buying an unsturdy piece of furniture from a large corporation store which will inevitably break. Thi...

A re-found blog with a new purpose. Save money and get more time at home.