Do you have a printer? Then don’t let these deals pass you by! Check out the following websites for the best coupons. Remember though the three rules of using a coupon: 1. Work around other deals – Check your local circulars, see where you will get the best bang for your buck with this coupon 2. Usage – Will you use this product and is it really cost efficient to use this product with the coupon over a cheaper version? Be sure to price shop, along with examining how much you get for the cost. For example. There are 2 boxes of cereal, one at 30 ounces for $1.50 and one for 50 ounces for $2. Buying the one for $2 is the best bang for your buck because you get just under double for only 50 cents more. 3. Check the fine print - Expiration dates and quantity, can it be used with other promotions, etc. Keeping these tips in mind, enjoy the savings to come from these sites: Also, if you ever do any online shopping alw...

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