1.Work around other deals – Check your local circulars, see where you will get the best bang for your buck with this coupon
2.Usage – Will you use this product and is it really cost efficient to use this product with the coupon over a cheaper version? Be sure to price shop, along with examining how much you get for the cost. For example. There are 2 boxes of cereal, one at 30 ounces for $1.50 and one for 50 ounces for $2. Buying the one for $2 is the best bang for your buck because you get just under double for only 50 cents more.
3.Check the fine print - Expiration dates and quantity, can it be used with other promotions, etc.
Keeping these tips in mind, enjoy the savings to come from these sites:
Also, if you ever do any online shopping always check http://www.retailmenot.com/ for any online coupon codes that might save you some extra money. If you have a rewards card, like a Best Buy card for example, that gives you points for ordering through specific retailers, check to see if the place you are ordering from is on that list. Saving money with coupons while getting rewards from your credit card is not just smart, it’s domestic savvy! ;)
Also, if you ever do any online shopping always check http://www.retailmenot.com/ for any online coupon codes that might save you some extra money. If you have a rewards card, like a Best Buy card for example, that gives you points for ordering through specific retailers, check to see if the place you are ordering from is on that list. Saving money with coupons while getting rewards from your credit card is not just smart, it’s domestic savvy! ;)
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