So far, so good with the new garden. With this weather I have had to water them daily. The only issue I have seen so far is that something is eating my lettuce. Once my ducks are bigger they will act as my natural pesticide, but for now I need an alernative. So I found this recipe on
Oil Mixture
1 cup cooking oil ( i.e. canola or vegetable )
1 tablespoon liquid dishwashing soap
Use 2 ½ teaspoons of this mixture in 1 cup of water
I planted several items that I researched ahead of time, but ended up not worrying so much about the specifics. I read something online that was great advice, it said to plant a few items and see how it goes. Replant the items that grew well next time and switch out the things that didn't go so well with something else. Expect that something won't grow as well as the others and it really alleviates a lot of the stress out of gardening.
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