Do you have a blackberry ?
Use your memo pad or you can download an application for a monetary fee. I have “Smart Shopper” which I downloaded for $2.99. I recently switched back to paper though because it’s easier for me.
Do you have an iphone?
Download "one trip", one of the top ten iphone web apps, check out a screenshot here:
Or do what I do, and use plain old paper. I categorize my list into specific areas so it’s easier to follow when I am in the store: Veggies/fruits, Meat, Dairy, Frozen, Other. For a pre-organized list check out the following site:
Next Step, Check your Cupboards
Part of being Domestically Savvy is to not let things go to waste. Food costs money, it’s not cost efficient to buy something you already have at home, unless if it’s on sale and it will go to good use. A perfect example of this would be to buy a dozen eggs when you have a dozen eggs at home that are going to expire soon. When checking your cupboards and fridge be sure to make note of expiration dates and quantity. Also keep in mind of what you have and center your shopping list on that. For example, you have bacon, frozen peas, and pasta. Add chicken, alfredo sauce, and an onion to your shopping list and you’ve got chicken carbonara. Check out the recipe here:
If you have ingredients and are not sure how to go about using them check out and click ingredients. Here you can put what you want to use and a list of appropriate recipes will come up.
Third, Deals, Coupons, Circulars
Check your local supermarket for deals that coordinate with your shopping list. Don’t use a coupon for the sake of using a coupon. Likewise, don’t buy something just because it’s on sale. You need to factor in usage and need. However, if you use a lot of green giant canned corn for example and there is a great sale, stock up because canned food lasts a long time. Always make sure before stocking up on any sale items that you have plenty of use for it. Some people are fantastic at locating coupons; there are sites on the internet that provide manufacture coupons and coupons in the newspaper. I discovered that I was spending more time on finding coupons that really was worth that actual savings. I’m sure you have all heard the expression “time is money” and it’s true. Many of these coupons are for processed foods, and really it would save you a lot more money to cook from scratch and to stock up on in season items.
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